Pets can add so much to our lives. The past year has seen record numbers of pet adoptions as homebound folks welcomed dogs and cats into their lives. And in the process, many are learning that their home landscapes need some adaptations to accommodate their new four-legged family members.
The other day I spied an adorable golden retriever puppy on a leash walking down our street with its owner. As soon as that cutie pie spied the freshly cut lawn next door, the dog flopped on its back, rolled, and squirmed in the grass. You’d think that little patch of green was a long-lost relative.
It was a joy to behold. But after about five minutes of unabashed pleasure on the part of the dog, the owner at the other end of the leash was clearly getting impatient to move on. She tugged and cajoled, but the dog was blissfully in a world of its own. It took several more minutes of dog-to-turf contact before the retriever was ready to walk.
Could it be that this grass-besotted dog did not have a lawn of its own on which to frolic? Who knew a bit of turf would mean so much to a canine? Apparently, grass is serious business for dogs, which is yet another reason to consider your pets when it comes to our yardscapes. Any time is a good time to start planning and preparing a pet-friendly landscape.
Anyone with a dog knows that considering a canine’s needs outdoors is going to be a necessity. For cats, the accommodations are in some ways similar, but not entirely. My own cats are not permitted outside due to their outstanding abilities to hunt birds and small lgame, as well as for their own health and welfare. However, cats as well as dogs enjoy and benefit from enclosed runs which allow them outdoor access under controlled conditions. This is one solution for cat owners concerned about the safety of both wildlife and their pets. Look for special kits to create outdoor cat enclosures or someone handy with simple tools can construct a “catio” for the feline friend.
Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides have no place in a pet-friendly landscape, whether they are on the grass or on the plants. A pet-friendly landscape should not include any of those little “skull and crossbones” signs seen on some lawns warning every living thing on the face of the earth to keep off the grass for fear of the powerful chemicals that had recently been deposited there. Even if a pet has not rolled on such a lawn, if domesticated animals walk or run across it, they will often lick their paws or coat once inside or track those chemicals indoors.
Here are some other tips:
The presence of pets in the yard makes it even more important to garden organically. There are great non-toxic products out there, but even organic choices can be troublesome when it comes to pets. If you must use any garden chemicals, read the labels and follow instructions to the letter.
Beyond the dangers of toxic chemicals, some plants are poisonous to dogs and cats. There are more than 700 plants that can cause sickness or worse. For a comprehensive list, visit the American Humane Society’s
On the other hand, some plants—such as catnip—are ones that your four-legged friends especially enjoy.
Both cats and dogs like to eat grass for their digestive systems, so a patch or pot or two of “kitty greens” would be a healthy treat. (See Renee’s Garden Seeds for special seed selections.) These greens can be especially important for indoor cats.
Be cautious when using certain gardening products in the landscape, like cocoa fiber mulch for instance, because its chocolate smell may entice dogs to eat it, but it can make them sick.
Water is important for pets and other critters in the garden. Keep dishes and birdbaths clean and filled with fresh water because pets will often visit them for drinking as well. Avoid sitting water which can attract and breed mosquitoes that can spread heartworm for example, not to mention other diseases. Pond owners know that both dogs and cats are attracted to these little water bodies. To prevent cats from “harvesting” pond fish or frogs, create a wetland that surrounds the pond, incorporating it into your landscape design because cats don’t like walking on wet ground.
Use special care when operating mowers or other outdoor power tools if pets are present.
While protecting our pet’s health is a vital component of a pet-friendly landscape, happiness comes a close second. Imagine making the garden not only pet-healthy, but also a place they’ll enjoy. Dogs often like to run the perimeter of the yard to protect their domain. A path, rather than planted beds, along a fence makes good sense. That patch of green lawn where pets can romp and run without trampling precious perennials is important, but so too are trees. Pets need shade, especially in the summer. Often digging dogs are looking for a place to cool off.
If digging is an issue, try a layer of some chicken wire covered with gravel or rocks and then apply a layer of mulch over. Dogs and cats won’t like the feel under their paws. This solution could also deter pesky squirrels from digging in some areas.
However, some canine breeds are born to dig, such as burrowing dogs like Jack Russell terriers, for example. Rather than attempting the impossible, go with the flow and provide these pets with a sand pit where they can dig to their little heart’s content. A little encouragement and an incentive or two (like a toy or treat buried for them to discover) can help redirect their efforts to the designated digging pit.
Fences and hedges can be useful in a pet-friendly landscape to keep your pooch in a specific part of the yard, or to keep the neighbor’s dog from getting into the yard. For some reason dogs and cats seem to prefer lush flower beds when it comes time to take a siesta, effectively flattening everything in range. Don’t get mad—take action. Just push a few wooden dowels into the soil, sticking up four to five inches. They won’t show among the foliage, but then it’s not so comfy for your pet to plop down. Thorny plants strategically positioned and twig borders can help prevent pets from straying into flower beds.
Sometimes you simply have to think like a dog—or a cat—to understand what they like or don’t and use that “uncanny” insight to keep you a step ahead of their antics. Give them a safe place to relax and romp, and everyone will be happy. All it takes is a little thought and some planning to make your landscape a place of joy and delight for both you and your pets.